A Travellerspoint blog

Starting a Travel Blog for This Summer's Trip

Worldwidemike's Journey to the Caucasus -- Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan

Hi, it has been more than 3 years since I took a real journey abroad -- the longest period of time since I turned 18 and went backpacking through Europe. As most of you know, I cut back on the travel while I was studying to get my teacher's license. Then, job searching and getting my first two years of teaching under my belt consumed all of my spare time. Now, I'm ready to start taking advantage of my summer breaks and resume my travels. I'm ready to become Worldwidemike, again!

This summer's trip is to the Caucasus Mountains -- yes, where the word "Caucasian" comes from. This area between Turkey and Russia is technically Europe, but is steeped in influences from Asia. When I began to read about its gorgeous mountain scenery and the medieval towers and monasteries that are relics of its rich past, I was hooked. I plan to leave towards the end of June and will be gone for a month. Before I leave, I will make a few entries outlining my planned route and what I hope to see. You can subscribe to this blog and receive emails when I update it. I plan to update it as often as possible while on the road. I don't know what internet access is like in these countries, but hope to find out some more about that before I go.

Feel free to pass this blog address along to friends, family members or anyone else you think might enjoy it. And in the meantime, feel free to check out my Travel page which has many travelogs from the 70+ countries I've visited so far in my life!

My travel page: Worldwidemike

Posted by world_wide_mike 11:51

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by Jenny

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